After a wild Saturday

My friend and my sister joined me today to pick up rubbish from the beach.
We set up on my usual walk to each fill a normal plastic bag each (and picked up more which we directly put in the several bins that are along the beach shore).
To get the amount of debris needed for my final piece, I needed to diversify and encompass all rubbish found and not only select the black plastics encountered.

The picked plastic debris will go towards my end of the year project for the MFA graduate show

This is after putting all the debris in crates and colour coding the found objects
These crates are filling quickly and probably will need to transfer the mass of plastic found into large containers. First I am leaving them outside for the rain to wash off the sand

Amazing amount isn't it and that was found only with in a few days. All the circular shaped black plastic objects found prior are at uni in my studio and this is at home


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