The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

I have been watching videos of 'The Great ocean garbage patch' or also called the '7th continent' on YouTube  since its discovery in the Pacific which has doubled in the last 5-10 years , since then 4 more have been discovered including a second one in the Pacific.
Watch these short videos and pass it on to friends and family to make them aware as I realise that talking to my students and some of my peers NOone knew about it!!!! and we are in 2012 well just over 15 years after the discovery of this Vortex!!!! and noone knows about it?????
Am amazed that we are so blind to plastic which future is to never break down it actually break down in tiny little particles but will forever be on earth and never return to earth like paper can.

So why are we still making things out of Plastic 
What are we? 
What have we created?
What has the world become? 
What the world will be for future generations?
I am finding it hard to understand what we have as the human race become....

File:North Pacific Gyre World Map.png

watch these links:


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