St Kilda EcoCentre on Monday 6 Feb 2017 (7-9pm ) - SLF 2017 Event

The first creative collaboration is making Insect Habitat table decorations as part of the National Sustainable Living Festival 2017. The Great Local Lunch is a community collaboration held on Sunday 12th February 2017 at 12.30pm. Carolyn and Deb will conduct a free workshop on February 6th to engage the public in creating functional and interesting table decorations for The Great Local Lunch guests.
Come meet like-minded people and create Insect Habitats to be used as table decorations for The Great Local Lunch on Feb 12.

Suitability: Max 30 people. 16 y/o – Adults (minimum supervision)

Register: Facebook invite
or email


We are inspired to create habitats and increase public knowledge due to the worldwide news that bee and pollinator numbers are declining. Melbourne saw huge populations of Hover Flies October 2016 and many people didn’t know what they were. Many immediate responses were to eradicate them with chemical sprays not knowing they are a beneficial insect to our gardens whose larvae eat aphids and other small insects. 

Our Insect Habitats will attract beneficial insects and are an environmentally friendly alternative to harmful chemical use. Insects pollinate plants and help control garden pest and disease problems and attract other wildlife including birds and bats to balance ecosystems and keep pest populations down.

We aim for a humanitarian response creating and displaying these decorative and functional artworks using upcycled and recycled plastics, found objects and organic materials. 

Workshop participants will be invited by Deb to explore feelings about connectedness to nature and environmental concerns. These will be reflected in the creative expression artworks.

Carolyn will reflect on plastic awareness, especially single-use plastics, and the ramifications of our daily actions impacting current and future earth systems.

As the Insect Habitats biodegrade and become inhabited we would love to continue the cross-pollination of this collaboration with input from those who take them home after the SLF Great Local Lunch. 


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