
Showing posts from August, 2012

A synopsis of what we do daily...frightening

Interesting little video take the time to view it My black plastic list is getting longer

Drinking bottles

What I see, What I find ... makes me question the world we live in... and where does it all go Have a look at this little film to realise just what is! www. storyofstuff .org/movies-all/ story -of-bottled-water

Saturday Morning Walk

 A walk this morning with a friend of my sister was very rewarding! Can you spot the difference from last week? How much more rubbish collected are placed in the trays My backyard is starting to look very... Colourful

This morning catch - Drinking straws

This morning was I thought unrevealing that was till I came back and emptied my bag, close to 50 straws (mainly white) were found after the rubbish truck picked up most of the debris washed on shore last weekend. Q: Can you recognise the brand that gives this kind of straws with each of their soft drinks? On the other side of the beach my dear friend also picked up rubbish for me and her comment were lots of red rubber band this morning on the beach. Other items that were more prominent this morning were cigarettes butts which made their way directly to the rubbish bin  My mistake as I couldn't think of a satisfactory smell operated piece to make

Multi Towers - Works in progress

From this little sketch with ink on rag paper came the idea to work on a larger format to  create an acrylic tonal painting which isn't finished as yet , it is a work in progress to show how plastic can become, as you breathe new live into it, of commercial appeal as an accessory

After a wild Saturday

My friend and my sister joined me today to pick up rubbish from the beach. We set up on my usual walk to each fill a normal plastic bag each (and picked up more which we directly put in the several bins that are along the beach shore). To get the amount of debris needed for my final piece, I needed to diversify and encompass all rubbish found and not only select the black plastics encountered. The picked plastic debris will go towards my end of the year project for the MFA graduate show This is after putting all the debris in crates and colour coding the found objects These crates are filling quickly and probably will need to transfer the mass of plastic found into large containers. First I am leaving them outside for the rain to wash off the sand Amazing amount isn't it and that was found only with in a few days. All the circular shaped black plastic objects found prior are at uni in my studio and this is at home

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

I have been watching videos of 'The Great ocean garbage patch' or also called the '7th continent' on YouTube  since its discovery in the Pacific which has doubled in the last 5-10 years , since then 4 more have been discovered including a second one in the Pacific. Watch these short videos and pass it on to friends and family to make them aware as I realise that talking to my students and some of my peers NOone knew about it!!!! and we are in 2012 well just over 15 years after the discovery of this Vortex!!!! and noone knows about it????? Am amazed that we are so blind to plastic which future is to never break down it actually break down in tiny little particles but will forever be on earth and never return to earth like paper can. So why are we still making things out of Plastic  What are we?  What have we created? What has the world become?  What the world will be for future generations? I am finding it hard to understand what we have as the human race be...

After a wild week! Debris found on the beach...

I found this on Friday on my usual beach walk What to do with all this???